Hi Everyone, I am so excited, this is my first blog post on the new look and location of ACM Photography Blog. Be sure to bookmark this new address, www.abbycaroline.com/blog, so you won’t miss a beat. Lots of new fun stuff coming along with the new blog, sooo stay tuned!! And be sure to comment, let me know what you think of the new look!
For today’s pic: How random were these birds in front of the studio today?? I guess it is this crazy weather.
Great new Blog! Looking forward to seeing future posts.
Just Beautiful!!
Thanks Dawn and Mr. G!
How neat was that? The random birds flew in just in time to make the new blog. Looking forward to keeping your blog as part of my daily routine!
Well,Abby you really know how to capture nature!The cow birds shots are fantastic,and beautiful!
Wow! Love it!
Where did the sweet corn go? You need eat some before it’s gone!